5 Things to Cultivate for a Happier 2018

2018 is officially here and a lot of us have started to plan their year ahead or have made their new year’s resolution for 2018. But what does it really takes to find fulfillment and happiness today? More than the material things and achievements that we want to have this year, one should strive to cultivate these five attitudes for a happier new year.


Gratitude they say is a dying virtue. For some, being grateful does not come easy. In the world where there are a lot of distractions, gratitude is easily dismissed. However, being thankful to what we have, even the smallest things that we possess will give us a sense of serenity in the long run. Gratitude, when constantly practiced lets us focus on the good things that happens to us instead of the bad things. Thus, whatever happens at the end of the day we can always find something to be grateful for. 


Have you ever struggled into finding peace of mind because you are always bothered by so many things? Our world today is so chaotic, fast-paced and hard to keep up. This is why it is hard for us to be optimistic in life. If you have been suffering from so many loses in the past, it is even harder to see a bright future. But if we just stop for a while and try to remove ourselves from the negativity around us, we may find that there is indeed a glimmer of hope in our lives if we choose to focus on them. A flicker of light amidst the darkness is a good sign that good things are just around the corner if we change how we perceive and react to challenges. A positive mind creates a positive outlook that fuels us to work on to our dreams however impossible it may seem. 


We often want to be successful in life. We have a lot of dreams and we often make affirmations that someday we will reach the stars. But not all of the dreamers are also doers. Thus, they are having a hard time realizing their dreams. One thing that we need to learn for a happier 2018 is initiative. Simply put, we just don’t dream about success. We need to step forward on our own to reach our goals. We are responsible for our own happiness. Thus learning to get out of our comfort zone and take a step forward is a must!


They say that in order for a person to be happy he needs to learn to accept the things that he cannot change. But it is easier said than done. We have a tendency to hold on to things and try to make it work even if it is no longer worth our effort. We tend to hold on to our “what ifs” even though we are hurting ourselves in the process. Learning to discern the things that is worth our efforts and those that are no longer working out is a necessity so we can concentrate more on taking care of the things that can help us grow and make us happy. Learning to accept the things that we are powerless to change is the key to contentment and eventually to happiness.

Be Fearless

 The one thing that takes away our dreams are our own fears- fear of failure, fear of rejection, etc. We fail to realize that the things that we are afraid of doing become our limitations to achieving what we really want in life and what can make us happy. Because of this we are forcing ourselves to accept our current standing even if we know in our hearts that we can do much more, far better than what we have now.  Learn to be fearless and break free from the things that limit our capacity to be happy. You might be surprise on the things that you can achieve when you choose to face life’s challenges.

I hope that you will have a happier 2018 ahead! 😊